Have you ever experienced having your eyes twitch for no reason at all? This phenomenon is actually more common than you think and might mean a couple of reasons, some of which are not necessarily bad. An eye twitch, also called myokymia, is a type of tic that can mean a myriad of involuntary movements that the human body does.
In this particular case, what you are experiencing are those little muscle twitches in your eye that appear out of the blue and bug you for no apparent reason. According to Jeffrey Cain, M.D., president-elect of the American Academy of Family Physicians, this could simply mean that a particular muscle is pulsating under your skin because you are either stressed or excited. In most cases, it is considered a benign condition and usually goes away on its own.
So why is your body doing it? Dr. Cain says it’s your body’s way of informing you that it is tired. If you are having eye twitches then it can probably mean that your eyes are experiencing fatigue due to a number of factors. It could be out of staring at a computer screen all day, reading a book without rest intervals, or inadequate sleep.
The Solution
Dr. Cain reassures everyone that twitching of the eyes is usually a common occurrence unlike what some may think. The common and most logical reason is that the body is just sending signals to your brain that it needs a well-deserved break. It can, however, be aggravated by too much anxiety as well as by drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol.
Before you go asking an eye doctor in Phoenix AZ or in other areas, the best thing to do when you experience a twitch is to calm your mind and body by doing things that would improve your overall mood and physical state such as listening to relaxing music, talking to a friend, or shifting your focus on another activity. You can also try to close your eyes for a few minutes or take a nap, whichever you prefer. Using alternating hot and cold compresses can also help, which soothes fatigued nerve endings that is the source of the spasms.
In the event that twitches persist and you experience them more often than normal, then it would be ideal to visit your eye doctor or any skilled ophthalmologist in your area. speak with your doctor. In general, tics could be symptoms of various conditions including certain forms of autism. Eye twitches, on the other hand, might also mean that there is an injury to the cornea.
The worst-case scenario is that myokymia could be an indication of a more serious illness such as the initial stages of multiple sclerosis or if there is considerable damage to the brain stem. These conditions, however, usually come with a host of symptoms and usually develop into affecting the facial muscles as well.
When to Call an Ophthalmologist?
You will know it is time to consult a medical professional when:
The twitch persists for a week or more
Twitching is so severe that your eyelid closes
The twitch is not isolated to your eyes and is seen in other parts of the face
There is an accompanying discharge, redness, inflammation in the eye
your eyelids are drooping