What happens after cataract surgery? Within just a few hours after getting surgery of the cataract, many people report that their vision is clear. Of course, there are different rates of healing for every person and you might need a couple of weeks to get a sharper focus of the image.
Keep in mind that this type of surgery is one of the most commonly performed and is also one of the safest surgery procedures in the USA> Generally, the outcomes are good and in the last ten years or so, there had been a significant improvement in the intro ocular lenses that are utilized for surgery of the cataracts. Posterior opacification is one common cataract surgery complication that can b easily treated. This causes your vision to start clouding up months or even weeks after the removal of your cataracts. A simple procedure restores sharp vision and clears up all of the cloudiness you are seeing and this is called posterior capsulotomy. There are more benefits derived than risks for surgery of the cataract and the moment you notice any changes in your vision, it is recommended that you call your health care practitioner immediately.
Immediately After
After you get surgery to remove the cataract in your eyes, you can expect improvements in your vision to occur over the next week. At first, you may have blurred vision as your eyes adjust and heal. Don’t panic if at first everything you see looks distorted. It takes time for your eyes to adjust to the cataract removal and to adapt to the natural lens replacement of your eyes called the intraocular lens. During this period of adaptation, some people even report seeing vision waves. If present, this phenomenon usually lasts for sixty minutes or so. You might also be developing bloodshot or red eyes due to the blood vessels having gotten damaged temporarily on the white surface of your eye. With the healing of your eyes, there should be a quick dissipation of the redness within just a few days.
Black Eye
If you got an anesthesia injection under your eyes, a bruise might develop which will make you look a bit like you have a black eye. Within a few days, this should fade as well.
After the surgery for cataract is done, many people need to wear glasses either all the time or some of the time. To get a final eyeglass prescription, your health care practitioner will let you know after your eyes have completely healed from the surgery. If both eyes had a cataract, usually your physician will schedule another surgery a couple of months later to remove it from the other side. This will allow the first surgical procedure to be completely healed before embarking on a new one.
Eye drops and Pain Relievers
To prevent infection, your doctor may prescribe medication like eye drops. This will help control the pressure of the eye and reduce inflammation. After a few days, the uncomfortable feelings should go away. Many times, it takes eight full weeks for healing to be complete. Typically, antibiotic eye drops are going to be prescribed by your doctor which you can use up to a month after surgery. Make sure that you buy the exact prescription for eye drops. There may also be a prescription of pain relievers you can take orally such as aspirin or acetaminophen. However, typically after cataract surgery there is minimal discomfort.
Eye Patch
Your doctor may also ask you to wear a protective shield or an eye patch on the day your surgery is scheduled. It is also recommended that you wear a patch on your eye after surgery for a few days as well as a shield for protection when you sleep during the period of recovery.
Day After
It might surprise you how easily you are able to do regular activities and how good you feel as soon as the day after you got surgery of the cataract. Of course, there are a few precautions you still need to observe in that first post surgery week. This is to make sure you avoid sustaining an injury or developing an infection to the area as it is still in the process of healing.
Subsequent Appointments
Usually, after one or two days post surgery, you will see your doctor. This again occurs the following week and once more about a month later in order to make sure that the healing of your eyes is going smoothly. After getting the surgical procedure done, it is normal to feel mild discomfort and itching for a day or two. Avoid pushing on your eye or rubbing it.
Some Do’s
For the best possible recovery, it is a good idea to follow the instructions your doctor gave you to the letter. In general, there are also a few light activities you ought to be able to do within hours of your procedure. These include bathing or showering, light television watching and working at the computer. In general, your doctor will send home a leaflet for you to know what to do after you get out of surgery.
Some Don’ts
- When you have had surgery for cataract removal, it is usually a good idea to make sure that recovering is not an issue. To ensure that it isn’t, here are a few don’ts to keep in mind.
- Eye irritants such as wind, dust and grime are something you should not expose your eyes to during the days after you get the cataracts removed.
- Make sure that your risks of infection are lowered. In the first week after surgery, avoid using the hot tub or swimming.
- Do not bump doors or any other objects after surgery. Be extra cautious as you begin to walk around.
- Right after surgery, do not vomit or sneeze
- Avoid putting additional pressure on your eyes immediately after surgery. This includes avoiding bending over.
- For a few weeks, try not to do any heavy lifting or activity that strains any of your muscles.
It is not a good idea to start driving immediately after you just got surgery.