Top 10 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Eyes

More and more people are using their eyes to stare at cell phones, television, computer images and small fonts. This can lead to age-related problems of the eyes as well as eye fatigue. Believe it or not, diminishing eyesight does not have to be an expected stage of long life. There are a few things you can do to strengthen your eyes and enjoy seeing the future clearly.

Use it or Lose It

When it comes to improving your eyesight, the simple rule is really to use it or start losing it. Use all the eye muscles you have. Take five minutes a day and consistently focus on moving your eyes in every direction. Also take a daily note of when your eyes may be overused and balance this with relaxation. In other words, if you are doing one task for long stretches, alternate with other tasks that use your eyes differently. One example is reading for long periods and intermittently taking a short walk to change the task your eyes have to do.


One Cornell Study claims that the coffee you love in the morning may help prevent eyesight deterioration and blindness due to diabetes, glaucoma and aging. The reason is the antioxidant called chlorogenic acid that coffee contains.

Use Gingko Biloba

The blood flow to your eyes and overall circulation is improved with gingko biloba. You also protect yourself from macular degeneration and glaucoma. People with retinopathy have also benefited from gingko biloba.

Do Eye Exercises

The muscles in your eyes become more flexible when you do eye exercises. Your eyes get the necessary blood flow and energy for optimum eyesight. When you do exercises for the eyes on a regular basis, you prevent eye strain and help improve concentration and focus.

Sleep for Stronger Eyes

Giving your eyes some rest and recreation is one way to strengthen them. Allow your eyes to fully rest by getting some sleep. This is essential for the health of your eyes and helps them to recover, repair and truly become restored. Your vision becomes weaker when you don’t get enough sleep. It is a good idea to get a full eight hours of sleep for your overall health, not just your eyes.

Eggs for Stronger Eyes

One healthy method of beginning your day is to eat eggs packed in protein. These provide omega threes, vitamin E and lutein. These are great vitamins for your eyes and for your entire body as well.

Teabags and Cucumbers

During the weekday when you are hard at work, make sure you give your eyes a break in between by staring at far objects and near objects alternately. If your eyes are exhausted, cucumbers or a pair of tea bags might help.

Your Environment

Poor vision is a result of environmental factors like swimming pool chlorine, allergens, computer screens and fluorescent lights. These can also include constant all-day eye rubbing, reading in dim light, heating and air conditioning. Plus, optic pressure is increased when you smoke which can also result in other damaging consequences. Change your environment to support stronger and healthier eyesight.

Omega Threes

Fatty acids from omega threes help improve retina nerve conduction. These reduce degeneration in conditions of glaucoma and macular degeneration. Take in between fifteen hundred and three hundred milligrams of omega 3 for stronger eyes.

Get Regular Eye Exams

The health of your eyes depends largely on how closely you monitor their health throughout the years. Getting regular eye exams is the key to correcting your vision problems and strengthening your eyes in the process.

The top ten ways of strengthening your eyes takes time and effort. Following these guidelines will enable you to enjoy strong, healthy vision through the years.

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