Know the Foods that are BAD for your Eyes

Sometimes, in the stressful moments of our life, we indulge a little and throw caution to the wind by eating food that is bad for us. Maybe we ignore this fact, but what goes inside your mouth can affect our 20/20 vision.

Some of the food listed here might actually surprise you!

Junk foods such as Cookies, Chips and even Nuts are on the watchlist to avoid. These are commonly high processed snacks that can negatively impact your eyes. According to the published August issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology, “Vegetable, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, along with linoleic acid are the type of fats that put junk food enthusiasts at a higher risk for the eye disease”.

Fried Foods. Prolonged exposure of foods to oils makes it much less nutritional. Fried foods provides free-radicals in the body which damages the cells and our eyes. Having less amount of nutrients in your food will not help you fight the radicals which can lead to health hazards and eye disorders. Other than that, fried foods have more cholesterol that travels down your arteries and bloodstreams and goes to your eyes. Fatty deposits can block the veins.

Foods with High Sugar Content. Anything in excess is bad. Too much intake of sugar causes the blood to rise quickly than normal which can affect the retina of the eye. You can always choose to have other nutritional foods that will help your eyes to stay in its healthy state.

It will be too much to declare these foods as the most unhealthy things that affect the eyes but it just important to let you know the circumstances you might face due to excessive consumption of these foods.

No one wants to have or even consider having failed eyesight or any eye disorder that will make their visions affected and haunt them for the rest of the their lives. Ensuring good conditions to the eye requires discipline and a balanced diet.

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