As the adage goes, “The eyes are the window to the soul”. This is because when you look at someone, the first thing you notice is their eyes. Women, in particular, take extra steps to enhance their beauty through their eyes, usually in the form of makeup. Aside from eye-shadow, mascara is an essential item in a lady’s bag. But one particular product, called eyelash extensions, may eliminate the need to whisk your mascara. Extensions are taking it one step further by making a person’s lashes fuller without the need for falsies or mascara. More so, it can last up to 2 months depending on how you take care of it.
Unlike false eyelashes, which comes in the form of a strip adhered to the eyelid, eyelash extensions looks more natural. But it should only be applied safely and correctly by a trained professional. Carefully and properly applied eyelash extension should be seen and not felt.
So why are people using these eye accessories? Famous celebrities, artists, and influential people around the world are seen sporting these eye accessories. It helps enhance their features on camera and in person. It makes the eyes pop, something that is hard to achieve using normal mascaras.
As an ordinary individual, you can wake up looking like you were born with naturally thick lashes. They look very realistic and saves precious minutes that you spend on putting three coats of mascara on your lashes.
However, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, these eyelash extensions that are making your eyes prettier may have negative effects to the eyes. This is not to say that there are no safe eyelash extension products, but, consumers must exercise extreme caution when choosing the right product and service.
Some of the following eye problems that one can get from using eyelash extensions include the following:
Infection of the eyelid
Infection of the cornea
Swelling of the eyelid
Temporary or permanent vision loss
Most of the reported cases of eye problems involve allergic reactions to the adhesives used, which are mostly formaldehyde-based. The American Academy of Ophthalmology is urging people to make a careful and smart decision when getting an eyelash extensions.
Here are some helpful reminders when on the lookout for quality eyelash extensions:
If you’re having it done at a beauty clinic, make sure that the aesthetician who will work on your extensions is certified.
Check whether the establishment where you are having your lash extensions has a good reputation and has garnered several positive feedbacks.
Also check that the aesthetician and the staff in general, practices good hygiene.
Make sure that they use pharmaceutical grade eyelash glue and not formaldehyde-based.
Some allergic reactions are triggered by specific materials that are used as a human hair alternative, such as horse hair, so it pays to check what materials are being used in the extensions.
Aside from the danger it may pose to your eye health, you also need to take note that this type of procedure can go wrong. Messy application like clumped and stuck together, which a case of multiple lashes glued together as one can make you look bad.
Once the procedure is done, you need to properly maintain them as well. When the lash are not cleaned properly, dirt will build up and will lead to a condition call blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid area). It may also lead to chemical burns and infection and even permanent lash loss.
In the event that after having extensions, you experience eye irritation or allergic that won’t go away, do not hesitate to visit your trusted ophthalmologist so he or she can give you the right treatment or medication.