When is eye care not an eye care? When you’re using an eye health myth to take care of your eyes. Many people have taken to believing that some eye health practices are beneficial to vision when they really are not. So here we are, helping these confused individuals and leading them to the right path. While a visit to an experienced Arizona ophthalmologist will clear things out for anyone, some do not have the time right now to do so. We have created a list of common eye health myths and busted them out before anyone gets another chance to use them blindly and cause more harm than good.
MYTH: Wearing somebody else’s eyeglasses can be detrimental for the eyes.
FACT: It won’t. Well, not necessarily. Wearing your mother’s eyeglass would not harm your eyes but it might cause headaches. If you have vision problems, wearing your correct prescription glasses will help you see properly, not by wearing somebody else’s prescription glasses.
MYTH: Eating carrots will help you see better in the dark.
FACT: Carrots contain a significant amount of Vitamin A, which is an important aspect of maintaining a good eyesight. Its role is helping the eyes function properly, but it certainly does not help you see clearly in the dark.
MYTH: Prescriptions for contact lenses and eyeglasses are the same.
FACT: They are different in most cases. The lenses in your eyeglasses are positioned more or less 12 millimeters away from your eyes, while contact lenses are placed directly on the surface of your eyes. Consult a respected Arizona ophthalmologist for a separate prescription if you want to wear contact lenses on top of your eyeglasses or vice-versa.
MYTH: If you stare too long at a computer screen, it will damage your eyes.
FACT: It won’t damage the eyes but it will strain them. What you get is a headache, so take a break from your desk every 20 minutes for a good twenty seconds.
MYTH: Wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses too often will make you dependent on them and worsen your eye condition.
FACT: Eyeglasses or contact lenses help improve your eyesight. Eye diseases, injuries, and aging, as well as genetic factors, are what causes a weak or failing vision.
MYTH: Reading a book close to your eyes will affect your vision.
FACT: There is no effect on your eye health when you read a book close to your eyes. The only effect is the comfort level of the person reading the book. It might indicate, however, that you are shortsighted if you read this way, so try to consult your Arizona ophthalmologist about it.
MYTH: The characteristics and patterns of a person’s iris reflects what health problems that person currently has.
FACT: There is no scientific evidence for such notion. An ophthalmologist performs a comprehensive eye exam to check the health status of your eyes, which involves more than just looking at the surface of your eyes.
Now that these myths have been busted, you may now start taking care of your eyes without having to follow the aforementioned. More importantly, visit your trusted Arizona Ophthalmologist for more advice of eye health care.