Many adults begin to have issues seeing at close range clearly starting the early to middle forties. This is particularly true when working on the computer or reading. As a matter of fact, between ages forty-one to sixty, this is one of the most common problems developed by adults.
Does this sound like you?
At first, it might begin with having to hold things further away to be able to see them. To see better up close, you might need reading glasses. Restaurant menus and newspaper prints might start looking blurry particularly under dim light.
If you wear contact lenses or glasses for prescription to see further away, you can correct your near vision by making the switch to multifocal or bifocal lenses. The good news is that there are now more options for vision improvement for people with presbyopia.
Vision Changes Related to Age
Over time, your vision and eyes change, just the way your body does. While the same symptoms are not experienced by everything, there are a few changes in vision that are common and related to age:
Reduced production of tears- tear glands in each eye produce less tears with age. This is true particularly for women that go through changes in hormones. Because of this, your eyes feel irritated and dry. It is important to have enough tears to maintain clear sight and keep your eyes healthy.
Color perceptions change- normally, there may be discoloration of your eye lenses. This makes it hard to distinguish and see between certain shades of color.
Glare problems- when you drive, you might note extra headlight glare or reflections of the sun on shiny objects. Glare is created when your eye lenses change and there is a scattering of light that enters the eye rather than a precise focus.
Difficulty doing close work and reading- print materials can become more blurry particularly since the eye lenses become stiff over time. Your eyes thus find it harder to focus on objects that are nearer.
More light needed- with age, you need more light for seeing compared to when you were younger. Close up tasks become easier and putting bright light next to your reading chair or in your work area should be a big help.
Get an Eye Exam
Get in touch with your optometrist if you are within this age range. Make an appointment for a comprehensive exam for your eyes at least every two years to check vision and eye issues. It is not a good idea to simply depend on the vision test at the driver’s license or other insufficient screenings for vision to find out if you have vision or eye problems.
Over 40 adults that have work or health issues might be especially vulnerable to developing problems with vision and eyes. This includes high cholesterol health conditions, arthritis with medication, depression, anxiety, thyroid, high cholesterol and the like. There may be side effects to vision when you take antihistamines and other medications.
Eye Health Problems- Know the Warning Signs!
In life, there comes a time when you increase the risk of developing vision and eye problems. There are a few symptoms that you might want to look out for as these may be warning signs of eye problems that might become more serious.
Seeing distorted images- when lines look like they have an empty area, are wavy or distorted in some way but are actually straight, this could be a warning sign of macular degeneration related to age.
Side vision loss- when you lose your side or peripheral vision, this may be a symptoms of glaucoma. This happens when there is no longer any transmission between the optic nerves and the brain. Usually, there are zero symptoms until vision damage has already occurred.
Flashes and floaters- at times, you might see floaters or spots. These look like floating particles within the eye. These are a natural part of the process of aging and don’t really harm your vision.
Fluctuating vision. It may be a sign of hypertension or diabetes when you notice frequent changes in the way you see clearly. Conditions such as these might damage your retina’s tiny blood vessels which are the layer in your eye most sensitive to light. Loss of vision can be permanent sometimes. If you notice any changes in your vision, get in touch with your medical health practitioner who can refer to you a great eye specialist.
After 40
It can be frustrating and concerning when you encounter problems with your vision after you turn forty years of age. This is particularly true if you have never used or needed contact lenses or eyeglasses. You might feel that you have lost your ability to see cell phone text messages or read the newspaper very abruptly.
In truth, it was since your childhood that changes in being able to focus started happening. When you turn forty or more, your eyes no longer have enough power to focus to see close vision tasks such as reading. This is called presbyopia and happens because the lenses within your eyes become more inflexible. When you are younger and your eyes are more flexible, your eyes are able to change focus from far to near very quickly. There are several options you can choose if you have presbyopia. These are:
- Refractive surgical procedures or other laser surgery types
- Bifocal lenses, monovision or other contact lenses
- Multifocal lenses including single vision reading glasses
You fill find that presbyopia becomes more advanced with age. You might feel that you need more frequent contact lens prescriptions or eyeglass changes as you age. When you turn sixty, these near vision changes will need to stop and there should be less frequent changes in your prescription.
You can cure or prevent presbyopia, but majority of people need to regain comfortable, clear vision for all the needs of their lifestyle.
It is important to pay attention to the health of your eyes particularly when you advance in age. This is particularly true when you start to notice changes in the way you see.